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A Comparison of Two Chinese Versions of De Profundis from the Perspective of Expressive Function_英语论文


王尔德的《自深深处》一书记载了王尔德从天堂走向深渊,写作风格突变,灵魂历尽流水洗尽浮华,对王尔德意义深重,颇具探讨价值。在此书中,作者时而哀怨,时而愤恨,时而娓娓叙情,情感复杂,难以琢磨。同时,王尔德又以唯美主义著名,在用词方面的造诣极高,而这也给译者带来了极大的挑战,译者能否在形式和情感上高度贴合王尔德是其译文成功与否的重要因素。因此,本文将从凯瑟琳娜·赖斯(Katharian Reiss)功能翻译理论的表达功能视角入手,从形式和心理层面,根据用词、写作风格、情感表达,摘选段落对比赏析王尔德《自深深处》的朱纯深译本和叶蔚芳译本。经分析得出一下结论:朱译本更贴合原文形式,并且更注重表达原作者的情感,而叶译本更偏向于意译,整合增删,形式方面略逊色于朱教授,一些地方也仅仅停留在表层。因此,对于一个译者来说,文学翻译不仅仅要关注原作者的用词风格、结构变化,要尽力做到一致,而且要深入剖析,表达出埋藏在表层文字下的情感。

关键词:表达功能  《自深深处》  奥斯卡·王尔德 


Oscar Wilde’s De Profundis showed a dramatic change to his writing style, falling from heaven to hell. It is of great significance to Wilde and deserves study. In the book the author groaned, complained, and also became mushy. On the other hand, Wilde was famous for his aestheticism and adept at wording. The mixed feelings and the convoluted writing styles posed a huge challenge to translators. Closeness in the form and emotion makes the translation valuable. This thesis will compare the translations of De Profundis by Zhu Chunshen (朱纯深, 2015) and Ye Weifang (叶蔚芳, 2016), based on Katharian Reiss’s expressive function, and focused on the equivalence in form and emotion with another emphasis on wording, writing styles and emotion. The conclusion is that Zhu paid more attention to original forms and deeper emotion while Ye adopted literal translation more frequently and sometimes stayed in the shallow level. To translators, it is thus necessary to pay equal attention to original writing styles including structure and wording and emotion hidden behind words.

Key words: Expressive Function  De Profundis  Oscar Wilde 


Chapter One  Introduction 1

1.1  Purpose and Significance of This Thesis 1

1.2  Structure of This Thesis 1

1.3  Research Method of This Thesis 2

Chapter Two  Literature Review 3

2.1  Studies from the Perspective of Skopos Theory 3

2.2  Studies from the Perspective of Reception Aesthetics 4

2.3  Studies from the Perspective of Descriptive Translation Studies 4

2.4  Summary 5

Chapter Three  Theoretical Framework 6

3.1  The Background of the Expressive Function 6

3.2  The Main Concepts of the Expressive Function 6

Chapter Four  Comparison of Two Chinese Versions of De Profundis 8

4.1  A Brief Introduction to De Profundis 8

4.2  Analyses in Forms 8

4.3  Analyses in Emotions 10

4.4  Summary 14

Chapter Five  Conclusion 15



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