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An Analysis of Female Images on Love in the Time of Cholera from the Perspective of Feminism_英语论文


19世纪末20世纪初,拉丁美洲是一个男权社会, 为了反对性别歧视文化,女性主义批评被广泛运用于文学、演讲和报道中。没有自己的主体性,女性被认为是男性的财富,没有权利选择自己想要的生活,也没有权利选择自己喜欢的生活伴侣。处于劣势的她们,改善她们生活的唯一方法就是嫁给一个有钱人。在第二波妇女运动中,西蒙娜·德·波伏娃的“他者”和“主体”的女权主义理论对这种贬低女性的观念提出了挑战。它过去是、现在仍然是探索和颠覆妇女从属地位的最重要的理论框架之一。本文运用波伏娃的理论,对著名小说《霍乱时期的爱情》中的女性形象进行分析,旨在揭示女性是如何被塑造成“他者”的,以及她们如何努力挣扎成为一个主体,但最终却以失败告终。

关键词:他者  主体性  女性主义  霍乱时期的爱情  


In the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, patriarchy was the dominant system in Latin America. To fight against the sexist culture, feminist critiques were widely adopted in literature, speeches and reports. Without their own subjectivity, females were considered as the treasures of the males, having no rights to choose the life they wanted or to choose their life partner they loved. Being in an inferior position, women found out that the only way to improve their life is to marry a rich man. Simone de Beauvior’s feminist theory of “otherness” and “subjectivity” during the second wave of women’s movement challenged such demeaning conception of women. It was and remains one of the most important theoretical frameworks for exploring and subverting women’s status of subordination. This paper adopts Beauvior’s theory and examines the female images in the famous novel – Love in the Time of Cholera with the aim to reveal how women were made as “the other” and how they struggled to become a subject but failed. 

Key words: otherness  subjectivity  feminism  Love in the Time of Cholera   


Chapter One  Introduction 1

1.1  A Brief Introduction to Gabriel José de la Concordia García Márquez 1

1.2  A Brief Introduction to the Love in the Time of Cholera 2

1.3  Purpose of the Thesis 3

1.4  Structure of the Thesis 3

Chapter Two  Literature Review 5

2.1  Previous Studies on the Love in the Time of Cholera 5

2.1.1 Previous Studies on the Love in the Time of Cholera Abroad 5

2.1.2 Previous Studies on the Love in the Time of Cholera at Home 6

2.2  Summary 7

Chapter Three  Theoretical Framework 8

3.1  The Definintion and Development of Feminism 8

3.2  “Otherness” from Other Philosophers 9

3.3  “Subjectivity”from Other Philosophers 11

3.4  Simone de Beauvoir’s Otherness and Subjectivity 13

3.5  Summary 14

Chapter Four  Analysis on the Female Protagonists with the Theory of “Otherness”&“Subjectivity” 15

4.1  Analysis from the “Otherness” 15

4.1.1 The Role of Tradition: Fermina Daza 15

4.1.2 The Role of Fragility: Olympia Suleta 17

4.1.3 The Role of Laboriousness: Transito Ariza 18

4.2  Analysis from the “Subjectivity” 19

4.2.1 The Role of Rebellion: Fermina Daza 19

4.2.2 The Role of Bravery: Olympia Suleta 21

4.2.3 The Role of Semi-independence: Transito Ariza 22

4.3  Otherness Outweighs Subjectivity 22

Chapter Five  Conclusion 24

5.1  Major Findings 24

5.2  Limitations and Suggestions for Future Study 25



相关文章推荐: TAG: 女性形象 女性主义 霍乱时期的爱情