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中国现代作家钱钟书的小说《围城》和美国当代作家安妮·泰勒(Anne Tyler)的小说《业余婚姻》都着重描写女性的恋爱婚姻生活。钱钟书和泰勒各自塑造的女性角色孙柔嘉和鲍林在性格上各有差异,但有一定的相似性。她们生活在文化背景和社会情况不同的中国和美国,却遭遇了同样不幸的婚姻结局。孙柔嘉独立自强且勇于追求自己的爱情,鲍林则相对软弱且被动接受着无爱的婚姻。她们都不甘居于女性在婚姻中固有的弱势地位,努力去争取婚姻中的自由平等地位,换来的却是一次次的妥协和退让。这使得她们变得愈发的敏感脆弱,深陷情感的泥淖。女性在婚姻中难以改变的弱势地位引发了本文对女性主义这个经久不衰问题的探讨。本文通过比较分析,指出社会旧思想的根深蒂固以及女性本身的脆弱敏感使得女性主义的实现变得困难重重。



Introduction 1

1. The Two Protagonists’ Different Views on Marriage 3

1.1 Their Different Views on Perceptions of Love 3

1.1.1 Love is the Base of Marriage 3

1.1.2 Love can be Produced by Marriage 4

1.2 Their Different Views on Roles in Marriage 5

1.2.1 Working for the Family 5

1.2.2 Paying Attention to the Household Affairs 5

2. The Two Protagonists’ Similar Views on Marriage 6

2.1 Longing for a Dominant Position in Marriage 6

2.2 Responsibility for Marriage 7

3. Causes of the Protagonists’ Views on Marriage 9

3.1 Their Personalities 9

3.1.1 Sensitivity and Frailty 10

3.1.2 Lack of Security 10

3.2 Social Background 11

3.2.1 The Era of Feminist Movement 11

3.2.2 The Influence of Public Thinking 14

Conclusion 15

References 16

相关文章推荐: TAG: 婚姻观 围城 业余婚姻