文档分类: 英语论文 文档上传会员:Smart 上传时间:2019-09-07
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The Effects of Teaching in English on Children’s Vocabulary Acquisition



关键词:全英文教学   少儿英语   词汇学习


With the rapid development of globalization of English, English education has already involved children’s English learning. Among various kinds of teaching methods, teaching vocabulary in English aims at cultivating children’s ability of using new vocabularies through creating a pure English listening environment. However, disadvantages exist when children cannot completely understand the new knowledge due to limited vocabulary. Firstly, this paper introduced the background and the literature review of the topic. Secondly, this paper illustrated the whole process of the experiment. In the experiment, 45 11-year-old children with the same amount of vocabulary were divided into three groups to be taught the same content separately under different teaching environment. After a month they had a test on their former learning content which consists of five parts: listening, matching, spelling, writing and reading comprehension. The results of the study confirmed that different teaching languages affected both classroom reaction and test scores. Teaching in Chinese and English had positive effects on the presentation of the teaching content and the controlling of classroom discipline. In the aspect of test scores, students taught in Chinese and English did the best. Therefore, teaching in English is not as efficient as teaching in both Chinese and English in real classes.

Keywords:Teaching in English   Children’s English   Vocabulary Acquisition


相关文章推荐: TAG: 词汇学习 英文教学