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On Celie’s Growth in The Color Purple


美国黑人女作家爱丽丝·沃克的小说《紫色》(The Color Purple,1982)主要描述二十世纪初美国黑人妇女的生存状态,真实的展现了黑人妇女低下的社会地位以及她们遭受白人和种族内部男性双重压迫和歧视的现状。本论文解读了西丽的成长历程,分析了西丽的成长过程:她最初逆来顺受,后来在姐妹情谊和同性爱的帮助下,逐步成长为一个独立自主的黑人妇女新形象。论文得出结论,黑人妇女想要实现独立,必须团结起来反抗命运的不公。论文首先描写了西丽自我否定的三个原因:种族制度的歧视,父权制度的压迫以及西丽的自我克制。接着分析了促进西丽成长的刺激因素:既有姐妹情谊的帮助,又有同性爱的引导。最后阐述了西丽成长的完成,即在精神上、经济上以及社会上实现了独立。总之,只有当黑人妇女通过自身的努力和团结去反抗命运的不公,才会最终实现真正的独立,享有与男性平等的权利,得到真正的成长。

关键词:爱丽丝·沃克《紫色》成长 独立 黑人女性


The American black female author Alice Walker’s The Color Purple which focuses on the black females’ living conditions in the early 20th century in the American South. It reveals the low social position of the black females and the double oppressions they have suffered. This paper analyzes the growth of Celie who was subjected to submissions and slavery but achieves her independence with the assistance of the sisterhood and lesbianism. Celie successfully sets a new black female’s image. This paper points out that if black females want to achieve independence, they must unite to fight against the unfairness. Firstly, it mainly demonstrates the causes of Celie’s self-abnegation, namely, the discrimination of racialism, the oppression of the patriarchy society and her self-restraint. Then, it mainly analyzes the catalysts of Celie’s growth, which are the help of sisterhood and the guidance of lesbianism. Finally, it mainly clarifies the way she achieves the spiritual, economic and social independence. This paper concludes that only when the black females are united and through their own self-efforts can they achieve real independence, share the equal rights with the males and finally achieve the real growth.

Key Words: Alice Walker; The Color Purple; Growth; Independence; Black females


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