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Interpretation about the Lonely Consciousness of Female Characters in Mrs.Sen_英语论文


裘帕·拉希莉的短篇小说集《疾病解说者》,小说内容主要描写了印第安殖民者和印第安裔的移民生活,拉希莉于2000年凭借此著作获得普利策小说奖。小说以印度近代被殖民和分裂的历史为背景, 描述了难民、孤苦无依的弃儿还有孤独的女性群体, 他们经历了背井离乡和流离失所的移民生活,在这样的状态下,小说中女性人物的命运值得读者思考。


关键字:疾病解说者, 移民, 孤独意识, 女性人物


Abstract I

摘要 I

1. Introduction 1

1.1Introduction to the novel’s social background 1

1.2 Introduction to Jhumpa Lahiri 1

1.3 Introduction to the novel 1

2.Literature review 2

3. The philosophical definition of the lonely consciousness and its reasons 3

3.1 The definition of the lonely consciousness from philosophical perspective 3

3.2 The reasons of the lonely consciousness 3

3.2.1 The alienation of the native culture 3

3.2.2 The cultural shock 4

4. The lonely consciousness of the text 6

4.1 The lonely immigrant 6

4.1.1 Mrs.Sen 6

4.1.2 The identity crisis 7

4.2 A lonely American modern women 7

4.2.1 Eliot’s mother 7

5. Conclusion 9

References 10

相关文章推荐: TAG: 女性人物 疾病解说者 孤独意识