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On the Application of Mind Map in Chinese Senior English Reading Teaching


思维导图(Mind Map)是上世纪60年代英国著名学者托尼·博赞(Tony Buzan)基于脑科学研究的基础上提出来的。作为一种可视化的知识表征工具,思维导图也是一种将放射性思考具体化的方法,因而在国外被应用于诸多领域,尤其是教育领域。思维导图自引入到教育领域以来,已在教育教学过程中产生了积极的影响。教育界的专家们也把它应用到学科教学中,通过结合思维导图和相关课程提高学习者获取知识的能力和提高学习效率。相对国外比较成熟的研究,我国对于思维导图的研究较少,起步也较晚,集中于教育的研究论著较少,在2000年王功玲发表一篇题为《浅析思维导图教学法》的论文之后,关于思维导图在教育领域中的研究论著相继出现,而思维导图在英语学科教学中的研究仍处于初步阶段。在我国的英语教学中,高中英语教学扮演了尤其重要的角色,其中高中英语阅读一直是英语教师和学生的关注焦点,既是难点又是重点。目前我国的高中英语阅读教学现状集中表现在过多词和句子层面的教学,忽视语篇语义的教学;学生主体性没有充分体现;缺乏对学生阅读技巧技能的创新指导和训练,处于传统的教学模式,这些影响了学生阅读能力的培养及阅读思维的构成。而根据英语新课程标准对高中英语阅读教学的要求可以看出,引导学生了解和掌握篇章体裁结构,激发学习英语的兴趣,提高阅读理解能力是极其重要的。思维导图作为一种可视化工具,用图形呈现人们的思维使思维形象化清晰化,把思维导图应用到高中英语阅读教学中,既可以清晰地呈现作者的思路,又有助于读者理清思维脉络,让学生从整体上掌握文章,引导学生对篇章内容形象化加工和对文章进行深层次理解,同时促进学生与作者之间的交流,增加学习英语的兴趣,提高学生的英语阅读动机,从而提高学生的英语阅读能力。因此,本文把高中英语阅读教学作为切入点,将思维导图应用到高中英语阅读教学中,让更多人关注思维导图在我国英语阅读中的应用,为探究更有效的英语阅读教学策略起到积极作用。通过将思维导图应用到高中英语阅读教学中的教学案例,探索将思维导图运用到高中英语阅读中的可行性,与传统的高中英语阅读教学模式形成对比,从而为深化让思维导图成为有效的英语阅读策略的研究起到促进作用。

关键词:思维导图 高中英语阅读教学 应用


Mind map was proposed by the famous British scholar Tony Buzan in the 1960s based on the basis of the brain science. As a visualization tool of knowledge representation, mind map is also a method of radioactive thinking embodied. As a result, it is widely used abroad in many fields, especially in education. Since the mind map is introduced into the field of education, it has had a positive effect in the education teaching process. Education experts apply it to subject teaching, in order to enhance the ability of learners to acquire knowledge and to improve learning efficiency through a combination of mind maps and related courses. Compared with the mature research abroad, the researches about mind map in China are few and start late, so fewer research works are focused on education. After Wang Gongling published a paper titled “Analysis of the Mind Map Teaching Method” in 2000, the research works about mind map in the field of education have appeared in succession, while research about mind map in English teaching is still in its preliminary stage. What’s more, in Chinese English teaching, high school English teaching plays a particularly important role, which has been the main part of English teachers and students. And it is both difficult point and important point. The current status of the senior middle school English reading teaching in China focuses too much on the teaching level of words and sentences, ignores the teaching of discourse and semantics, and lacks the innovative guidance and training of the students’ reading skills, so the students’ subjectivity is not fully embodied. It is still in the traditional teaching mode, which affects the cultivation of the students reading ability and the composition of reading thoughts. However, according to the requirements of new English curriculum standard of senior middle school for English reading teaching, it is extremely important to guide students to understand and master the discourse genre structure, stimulate interest in learning English, and improve the ability of reading comprehension. As a visualization tool, mind map can clarify and visualize people’s thinking through drawing graphs. Applying mind map to the senior middle school English reading teaching can clearly show the author’s ideas, and help students to clarify the context of thinking. On the one hand, the application of mind map can let the students master the article as a whole and guide students visualize and understand the context deeply. On the other hand, the application of mind not only promote the communication between students and authors, but also increase students’ interest in learning English and improve students’ English reading motivation, so as to improve the students’ English reading abilities. Therefore, this thesis, with the English reading teaching of senior middle school as a breakthrough point, applies mind map in teaching senior middle school English in order to let more people be concerned with the mind map application in English reading, and it also plays a positive role in exploring more effective English reading strategies. Meanwhile, this thesis researches the feasibility of mind map application in senior middle school English teaching through the teaching case of the mind map application in senior middle school English teaching. This thesis also plays a positive role in the further study which will help let the mind map become an effective English reading strategy by contrasting with the traditional teaching mode.

Key words: mind map senior middle school English reading teaching application


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