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A Study on the Application of CAT in Teaching


未来社会发展势必机器会越来越多的替代人工。随着技术的不断革新软件翻译也会更加的人性化 。目前在设置翻译课程的高等院校中,几乎无一例外都将侧重点放在文学翻译的教学上。教材承袭结构主义语言学理论,所选文本大多不具时效性。学生在一定时间的习得之后,仍然不能适应翻译市场需求,遇到具体翻译任务不但不能处理得当,而且往往耗时巨大,质量低劣。因此,在大学本科翻译教学中引入计算机辅助翻译内容不仅可以对症下药,缓解翻译市场捉襟见肘的窘迫局面,而且对于提高翻译队伍的质素具有积极而鲜明的现实意义。

CAT是一种技术,也是一门艺术。本文要对 CAT软件的工作原理,CAT 发展与翻译教学改革,计算机辅助翻译工具的发展,CAT 和翻译研究与教学的现状,CAT技术在翻译教学中的应用,翻译软件,CAT技术模块设置,CAT与语料库技术的结合,双语语料的检索,课程设置等方面进行研究。 

关键词:工作原理;C A T教学;改革意义


Social development is bound to be more and more machinery to replace the manual in the future. With innovative software translation technology will be more humane. Currently in institutions of higher learning set up translation courses, almost without exception, will focus on the teaching of literary translation. Most textbooks inherited structural linguistics theory, the selected text is not time-sensitive. Students learned after a certain time, still can not meet the needs of the translation market, not only can not meet the specific translation tasks handled properly, time consuming and often poor quality. Therefore, CAT in college teaching not only remedy to ease the translation market stretched distress situation, but also to improve the quality of the translation team has a positive and clear practical significance.

C A T is a technology, but also an art. The purpose of writing this article to CAT software, CAT reform and development, the development of CAT tools and situation, CAT research and teaching, CAT technology , translation software, CAT technology module settings, CAT conduct research in conjunction with Corpus technology, bilingual corpus retrieval and curriculum.

Key words: Working principle; CAT research and teaching; reform; course


相关文章推荐: TAG: 翻译教学 CAT教学