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The Aesthetics value of Walden


亨利·大卫·梭罗(Henry David Thoreau,1817-1862)是19世纪美国杰出的自然哲学家和文学家。《瓦尔登湖》是梭罗的代表作,记录了梭罗在瓦尔登湖的两年半时间里对自然的思考。本文试图探讨梭罗的自然观思想的具体表现,以揭示梭罗在作品中蕴含的美学价值,同时唤起现代人对生态自然的重视。本文主要从三个部分研究瓦尔登湖的美学价值。第一部分介绍了梭罗和《瓦尔登湖》。第二部分则从生态视角切入探讨瓦尔登湖的美学价值。第三部分探讨了梭罗的思想贡献以及对后世的影响,指出梭罗的自然观不仅具有生态价值,还具有现实指导意义。梭罗提醒人类在自身发展过程中必须关注人与自然的和谐相处,同时激发起人们保护自然的意识。



Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862) was excellent natural philosopher and literati of America. Walden is one of his most famous works. It recorded his thought about nature living in Walden for 2 years. This paper attempts to discover the specific forms of view of nature thought with an aim to explore aesthetic value in Thoreau’s works, and appeal for attention of modern people to ecological nature. This paper is made of 3 parts to study aesthetic value of Walden. The first part will introduce Thoreau and his work Walden. The third part will analyze spiritual contributions of Thoreau and his influence to the generation, pointing out that ecological value and practical guiding significance of Thoreau’s nature thought. According to Thoreau, he reminds human that they must attach importance to the harmony between themselves and nature as well as stimulate people’ thought protect nature.

Keywords:Thoreau  Walden  aesthetic ideology  ecological wisdom


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