对比分析不同版本中《The Hitchhicker's Guide to The Galaxy》的翻译风格_翻译专业英语论文
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摘 要

翻译博大精深。现如今国外翻译作品已经成为我们了解西方文化,与西方文化交流的一个重要方式。而译者作为中西方两种文化间的一个关键角色,他们的翻译风格通常直接对我们的理解以及交流产生了巨大的影响。而许多西方文学名著的不同翻译版本出现已非常普遍,而在不同的翻译版本中,由于文化差异可能会出现不同的译法,以及其可能导致的理解偏差。本文将通过对英国著名科幻讽刺小说家道格拉斯·亚当斯的名著《The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy》的两个不同翻译版本:《银河系漫游指南》(徐百柯,四川科学技术出版社,2005)和《银河系搭车客指南》(姚向辉,上海译文出版社,2011),结合翻译的定义和方法,并通过对比这两个版本中对于争议较大的标题翻译和原文中经典例句的翻译来分析讨论传统的翻译工作中的一大经典议题:逐字忠于原文还是结合自己的理解适当进行修改。在通过原著与两个译本的对比研究过程中,本文作者发现在科幻小说领域中对于翻译的把握尺度十分微妙,因为科幻既有科学的严谨,亦有人文的浪漫。徐百柯翻译的《银河系漫游指南》较之姚向辉的《银河系搭车客指南》更具人文气息,而后者则更加严谨。那么如何让读者们忽略那些奇怪的天文术语和物理学单位,将他们成功地吸引到原著的精彩故事情节当中,而又不犯一些令物理学家们捧腹的小错误?对于一个译者来说,在兼备文学和科学的素养和对原著的充分理解后,如何达到这个平衡将对整本译作的水平与质量起到一个关键的作用。



 Translation is of extensive knowledge and profound scholarship. Reading translated western literature has been an important way for us to know and to learn western cultures nowadays. So the translator has been a key man between the comprehension and communication of different cultures. And sometimes their personal styles of translating will directly influence the understanding for the original works of us. Based on the different understandings and cultures of the translators, In the various translations we can easily find some comprehension deviations bring by them. Combined with the definition and method of translation, this paper will compare the great sci-fi work The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy written by the famous British science fiction writer Douglas Adam and the two different translated versions of it : 《银河系漫游指南》 (Xu Baike, Sichuan Science and Technology Press, 2005) and 《银河系搭车客指南》 (Yao Xianghui, Shanghai translation Publishing House, 2011). By comparing the two versions of the controversial title translation and the translation of some important sentences in this book, to discuss the classic question: loyal to the original meaning and to combining with their own style. During the study, I found that in the realm of science fiction, translation work is very subtle, because the science fiction works always have scientific rigor, and also the romantic humanities in it. So as a translator, he needs both accomplishments of literary and scientific literacy, and absolutely a full understanding of the original book, And next, how to achieve the balance of scientific and romantic will directly affects the quality of the whole translation.

Key words: Western literature; translating styles; versions; culture deviations

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