文档分类: 商务英语 文档上传会员:青路红尘 上传时间:2017-11-27
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    The Greek mythology, the body of the myths, is the treasure of the world culture. Many myths contribute to the world literature most.
Distinct from the gods who are aloof from the people in Chinese Myth, the gods in Greek myth are more friendly and approachable. They own gorgeous appearance and intelligence, while, unloading the halo of the gods, they also have weaknesses and desires. Sometimes, the desire domineers over mind. They crave for love, and chase it; they enjoy life, regardless of others’ standpoint; they envy others, and revenge on them. The Greek gods close to the human beings from the appearance to the inner world, and even it is sufficient to say that they are more colorful than human beings.
This thesis aims at analyzing the humanism by illustrating the cases of Hera and Athena. The two goddesses’ images are plentiful. Obviously, they are selfish, but sometimes they are also kind. Though Athena competes with her brother to win the Athens and she adds fuel to the outbreak of war, she is nice to the people who pray to her and help the one out of suffering. For Hera, her image as a jealous woman leaves a deep impression on people, whereas, the pains of her struggle between marriage and dignity beyond description. By analyzing the images of the goddesses, the author concludes that the perfect gods adored by the human even make mistakes due to their desires. Therefore, it is acceptable for men to make errors and learn how to avoid them is more important. Thus it is unnecessary for people to feel ashamed, because the gods have their own desires. People should face their desires and are not overmastered by the passions, then people can better realize their value.

Keywords: Greek myth; humanism; Hera; Athena


本文旨在以赫拉和雅典娜的事例,分析希腊神话中的人本主义思想。女神的形象丰富多彩,她们既可以是无理任性,也可以是温柔善良。虽然雅典娜为得到雅典城不惜和哥哥竞赛,战争的爆发是由于他的推波助澜,但她也不吝帮助向她祈求的人们, 帮人们脱离苦海;人们对于赫拉的妒妇形象印象深刻,可她苦苦挣扎在婚姻与尊严中的痛苦也是难以言喻的。通过对两位女神的分析,可以得出既然被人们所崇拜的神也犯错,那么有七情六欲的人更可能犯错,关键是如何避免。因为即使是神也会有欲望,所以人有欲望并不需以此为耻。只有正视自身的欲望,不为欲望所支配,才能实现人生价值。


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