文档分类: 商务英语 文档上传会员:BrunoLucia 上传时间:2017-11-27
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Up to the present time, the European Union (EU) is a regional community with the highest degree of integration all around the world. And it is also the organic combination of the governments and super-nations. The reason why European integration has been such a success is closely related with the European history and cultural traditions. Common cultural roots, common religion and common values provide a broad humanistic background for the European integration, which has a profound impact on the process of integration. Integration in itself is a process to construct a collective identity, among which cultural identity is the steadiest. Thus, strengthening the common European idea and European value to forge real European cultural identity is an important goal of further integration in Europe. Only if the EU is based on a cultural identity will it be able to have lasting vitality. The construction of European cultural identity is not plain sailing, which requires the Europeans’ creation with intelligence. The EU is carrying on the construction of cultural identity in the internal and external form.

Keywords: Cultural identity; European integration; Construction

摘  要:



1 Introduction
At present, the highest level of regional integration in the world—the European integration has gone far beyond the original expectations. The EU is the first and the only successful supra-national bodies and institutions in the world until now. Common cultural roots, common religious believes and common values provide a broad humanistic context for the European integration, which has a profound impact on the process of integration.
Cultural homogeneity in many European countries makes it easier for people to form identical or similar ideas, customs, social norms and collective identity. It also makes it easier for Europeans to take coordinate actions. European cultural identity establishes the foundations of psychology and culture for European citizen to accept the European reality of the political and economic unification. Only if the EU is based on a cultural identity will it be able to have lasting vitality.

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