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Culture is just like a dynamic notebook, recording the occurrence of human society. Culture is a historical phenomenon, generating corresponding cultural products in different social stages. As a result, tea culture also recorded the development of human civilization. Chinese tea was introduced into Britain and helped Britain form the unique British tea culture which is different from the Chinese one. Combination of tea and culture has not only changed the British way of life, but also played an important role on British people’s spiritual life. Britain is a relatively traditional country but also the most famous land of ceremony. The British gentlemanship is known to the world. The British in tea time pay great attention to etiquette and gentlemanship, which can be seen in Downton Abbey. Based on the above understanding, in this paper, British afternoon tea culture will be analyzed mainly from the development of the British tea culture as the main clue and through the analysis of the classic afternoon tea scene in the hit series Downton Abbey.

Keywords: Downton Abbey; Afternoon Tea; Culture

摘  要:



1 Introduction
    Afternoon tea is a light meal typically eaten between 4 pm and 6 pm. Observance of the custom originated amongst the wealthy classes in England in the 1840s. (Daniel Pool, 1994)
As the saying goes in this country with a three-hundred year history of tea drinking "when afternoon bell rings four times, everything in the world suddenly stops for tea.", which refers to the afternoon tea. It is said that even if something extremely serious happens, you need to wait until the British have enjoyed their afternoon tea, because this is an unshakable rule.
The British tea culture is developed in the soil of traditional national culture. After receiving the political, economic, cultural changes, and studying the Asian tea experience, the British tea culture acquired unique characteristics. With the popularity of tea drinking, however, tea culture has exerted a subtle influence on the United Kingdom’s culture. Many literary and television works also recorded and described a lot of tea culture, in which descriptions of the British "afternoon tea" are more common in literary works.

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