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电视剧《女王心计》是美国哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)制作并在美国CW电视台播出的一部宫廷爱情电视剧。凭借雍容华丽的装扮,起伏跌宕的情节,命运多舛的女主角,以及悲喜沉浮的爱情,其播出一直以来备受关注。该剧描述了16 世纪苏格兰女王玛丽·斯图亚特的故事——她出生六天后即位苏格兰女王。15 岁的她与四个闺蜜来到法国,她与弗朗西斯王子订婚;她的四个好朋友成了她的女侍臣,但是她从此陷入到了法国宫廷内权力争斗、阴谋和谎言的漩涡之中。在强敌、黑暗力量和丑闻笼罩的法国宫廷里,玛丽和她的好友将运用力量和智慧一步步走向权力的巅峰。本文旨在从女性主义的角度,运用女性主义理论对“女王心计”中的主要人物女王玛丽,王后凯瑟琳,侍女歌瑞尔,罗拉展开性格形象分析。她们自主,独立,向往自由与爱情,面对困难和失败依然直面生活,运用勇气和智慧化解困难。本文的目的是希望通过本文的研究能够加深读者对美剧“女王心计”以及其中部分女性角色的理解,并引起读者对自身内心世界的反观。



The American TV series, reign, which is made by American Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) and broadcast on USA CW TV, is a courtly love series. With grace gorgeous dress, ups and downs of the plot, the ill-fated heroine, and the ups and downs of love, joy and sorrow, the broadcast has been concerned highly all the way. The play describes the 16th century, Mary Queen of Scots • Stuart's story - she came to the throne, Queen of Scots for six days after birth. At her fifteen years old, she came to France with four girlfriends, she engaged to Prince Francis; her four friends became her female courtiers, but she fell into a power struggle within the French court, whirlpool of intrigue and lies. In the French court full of the enemies, the forces of darkness and scandal, Mary and her friends will use the strength and wisdom toward the pinnacle of power. This essay will analysis some main female characters, queen Mary, queen Catherine, Mary’s maid Greer ,Lola in the perspective of feminism in the feminism theory. Features various female characters have their own characteristics, but all reflect a certain feminist qualities. They are autonomy, independence, freedom and longing for love and never afraid of difficulty and failure. They use the courage and wisdom to resolve the difficulties. The purpose of this paper is hoped that this study will deepen readers’ drama "reign" and some of understanding of the role of women, and draw the reader's own inner world of the other hand.

Key words: feminism; feminine role; character; image

相关文章推荐: TAG: 女性主义 女王心计