文档分类: 商务英语 文档上传会员:Awesome 上传时间:2017-11-27
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摘  要

伴随着经济的高速全球化和高科技的快速发展,当今世界重要特点已转向跨文化交际。可是文化差异经常会给不一样文化背景的人们带来交际障碍,影响跨文化交际障碍的主要原因之一就是语用错误。因为中西方关于客套这一观念的理解有分歧,所以在日常的跨文化交际中,语用错误依旧存在,继而影响了交际成果。本论文将研讨目标对准了跨文化交际,从现实生活例子出发,以跨文化交际基本概念和跨文化交际语用错误等作为基本出发点,探索了导致这些差异的根源,进一步提出跨文化交际语用错误的预防对策, 帮助学习者从文化知识层跨越到文化层,从根本上减少跨文化交际中的语用失误,进而顺利地实现跨文化交际,促进人与人之间的国际化交往。



Cross-culture communication becomes a significant concern in the globalization economy and development technology world nowadays. However, it has a huge potential for people to suffer communication breakdowns in a cross-culture background because the culture is different. Pragmatic failure is the one of the reasons that causes the communication barriers. Because of the different translations of culture between Chinese and English cultures, they are often present in cross-cultural communications, and are likely to give rise to an unsuccessful communication. Therefore pragmatic failures arise. Aiming to clarify pragmatic failure in cross-cultural communication the paper explains the circumscription of cross-cultural communication and pragmatic failure comments the conveying formats of pragmatic failure in the cross-cultural communication, provides examples of cross-cultural communication and intercultural pragmatic failure, explains the reasons of pragmatic failure in the cross-cultural communication, and provides useful strategies to assist foreign language learners acquire knowledge and intercourse capacity and avoid pragmatic failures so as to participate in international communication flexibly and properly.

Key words: cross-cultural communication; pragmatic failure; useful strategies 

相关文章推荐: TAG: 语用失误 跨文化交际