文档分类: 商务英语 文档上传会员:国产祖宗 上传时间:2018-01-01
文档价格: 1000金币立即充值 包含内容: 完整论文 开题报告 文献综述 文章下载流程
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With the opening up of China and the increasing of international communication, cross cultural communication is becoming more and more important. As a significant part in cross cultural communication, hand gesture is widely used by people from different cultural backgrounds. Studying the correct way to use hand gestures in different cultures can help to avoid cultural collisions and accelerate cross cultural communication.
This thesis attempts an analysis of hand gestures from the perspective of cultural meanings, especially in cross culture communication. First the thesis introduces the current situation of hand gestures and the studying results. Though some scholars have studied hand gestures their research is not integrated and deep enough. The thesis provides a principled account of why hand gestures are important in cross cultural communication, and makes the point that hand gestures are closely related to the cultures they belong to. Besides, the thesis illustrates some common hand gestures used in cross cultural communication and cites some cases in which hand gestures are used incorrect that leads to serious problems. After analyzing these cases, the thesis puts forward the correct ways to use hand gestures, and help people to avoid cultural misunderstanding and collision in cross culture communication.

Key words: hand gestures, cross cultural communication, culture

1.1 Background
After China’s reform and opening up, more and more foreigners come to China and we Chinese people also spread throughout the world. Many foreign leaders come to visit China and our leaders also go to visit other countries. Political communication is internationalized. And political communication represents a country’s image; every country attaches great importance to political communication. During this not only language is important but also the behaviors and gestures. Besides, China joined in WTO in 2001. And since then economic exchange between China and other foreign countries become more and more common. Many foreign businessmen come to China to invest and establish factories. We Chinese also go out and do business in foreign countries. Business negotiations with foreigners become a necessity. What is more, with the improvement of living standard, a lot of people choose to travel abroad. People-to-people communication is become popular.

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