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  • 论《蝇王》的寓言性_英语论文.doc
  • 论《蝇王》的寓言性_英语论文 Allegory in Lord of the Flies 摘要 英国作家威廉•戈尔丁凭借小说《蝇王》享誉世界;作为其大师级著作,《蝇王》通常被视为杰出的寓言小说,戈尔丁对真实世界以及人性的看法通过这部作品传达出来。《蝇王》向世人展示了一群天真的男孩怎样变成嗜血的猎手,文明怎样被野蛮取代。 小说旨在反映人性的邪恶。其中众多典型的人物、意象都在传达这...
  • 关于《蝇王》中神话原型人物及意象的研究_英语论文.doc
  • 关于《蝇王》中神话原型人物及意象的研究_英语论文 On the Archetypal Characters and Images in Lord of the Flies 摘要 《蝇王》是英国小说家、剧作家、诗人威廉·戈尔丁的代表作。因为成功创作了人性恶的神话和丰富多彩的原型王国,威廉·戈尔丁于1983年获得诺贝尔文学奖,这也...
  • 论《蝇王》中人性的幻灭_英语论文.doc
  • 论《蝇王》中人性的幻灭_英语论文 The Disillusionment with Human Nature in Lord of the Flies 摘要 《蝇王》是英国作家威廉·戈尔丁的一部具有哲理性的现代预言式小说。这部小说从不同的角度探讨人类相互残杀的根源,旨在揭示人性恶的主题。戈尔丁一生都在思考人性的问题,...
  • 继承与超越—解读英国荒岛文学的代表作《蝇王》_英语文学论文
  • Abstract The works of William Golding are noted for their biting style, poetic narration and deep perspective into human nature. Lord of the Flies is Goldings first novel which has become one of the most widely-read English novels. It describes a sto...
  • 《蝇王》中野兽意象解读_英语文学论文
  • Abstract Lord of the Flies is the master work of English writer William Golding who has won the Nobel Prize. It is an important philosophy as fiction to discuss the evil of human nature in naive children. It also shows the theme of redemption. Beast...
  • 以达尔文主义分《蝇王》中的适者生存法则_英语文学论文
  • Abstract Lord of the Flies is a representative novel of British writer, William Golding. This allegorical novel narrates a story of a group of English boys process from civilization to savage, helping each other to killing each other on a desert isla...
  • 象征手法在《蝇王》中的运用_英语文学论文
  • Abstract and Key Words Abstract: This paper aims to make a creative probe of the unique artistic writing techniques employed in the Lord of the Flies. And mainly it focuses on symbolism, foreshadowing as well as the ending. At the same time the paper...
  • 荒岛主义在《蝇王》中的映射_英语文学论文
  • 摘要 荒岛作为英国文学中的一个文学隐喻既象征人间理想乐园、美好新生活和自由,也象征危险与绝望。荒岛意象的二元性反映在众多的英国文学作品中。从莎士比亚到笛福到戈尔丁,历代英...
  • 《蝇王》中人性之恶的成因_英语文学论文
  • Abstract William Golding tells a story about a group of children living on an isolated island in his famous novel Lord of the Flies. Without the guide of adults, the children gradually lapsed into savageness, losing all their moral sense. Why such te...
  • 《蝇王》中的女性缺席分析_英语文学论文
  • Abstract In Lord of the Flies, William Golding provides an ideal situation for only boys but not girls to free themselves from cultural constraints and return to the natural behavior, resulting in a tragedy. Through analysis of the novels background,...