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  • 英语公众演讲中词汇使用的性别差异_商务英语论文
  • Abstract: Research on gender and language has always been one of the subjects of Sociolinguistics. The paper, which is based on the theory of deficit, dominance, difference, politeness and constructionism, takes ten speeches of the same topics made b...
  • 英语交际策略中性别差异之社会语用研究_商务英语论文
  • Abstract In the past thirty years, with the development of the sociolinguistics and anthropology, especially the rise of women s movement, the socio-pragmatic study on the gender differences in language has developed rapidly. Pioneering the research...
  • 英语日常交际中的性别差异
  • Abstract: The gender difference in language is a kind of phenomenon that language users show from social, cultural and other aspects. As a common social phenomenon, it is reflected in the language and in the use of language. Further studies on gender...
  • 网络交际中性别差异对礼貌用语的影响
  • 近些年来,,随着网络的迅猛发展,越来越多的人使用它。网络在我们的生活扮演一个重要角色。毫无疑问,我们都生活在一个网络世界,并且网络环境也很复杂。在线交谈已经成为我们生活不可分割的一部分。与此同时,异性之间的沟通是在日常生活中对话中相当关键的一...