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  • 《嘉莉妹妹》中的人际关系研究_英语论文
  • A Study of the Interpersonal Relationships in Sister Carrie_英语论文 摘要 《嘉莉妹妹》是美国早期自然主义作家西奥多.德莱塞的作品。小说记叙了女主人公嘉莉为了过上更好的生活,前往芝加哥追求她的梦想。为了摆脱饥饿,贫穷和失业。她先后成为了两个男人的情人,在奢华的生活中她渐渐迷失自己。虽然小说最后嘉莉成为了一名著名的演员,但是她丢失了初心,迷失了生活的方向。小说...
  • 《嘉莉妹妹》中的消费文化解读_英语论文
  • 《嘉莉妹妹》中的消费文化解读_英语论文 On the Consumer Culture in Sister Carrie 摘要 西奥多·德莱塞被认为是20世纪初美国文学史上最杰出的作家之一。他的代表作《嘉莉妹妹》不仅为他带来了享誉全球的声誉,也奠定了他在美国文坛上的地位。小说讲述的是农村少女嘉莉如...
  • 隔离与异化:福克纳短篇小说中的人际关系研究
  • Abstract William Faulkner is a great American writer in the 20th century. This paper examines the interpersonal relationship in Faulkner's three famous short stories: A Rose for Emily, Barn Burning, and Dry September. The thesis analyses the interper...
  • 论中美文化差异——以电影《喜福会》中人际关系为例_商务英语论文
  • Abstract Amy Tan, who is a very well-known author in the Chinese American literature released in 1989 her first novel The Joy Luck Club, which is enthusiastically approved by both the audiences and the reviewers. In this work, Amy Tan elaborates on t...
  • 《刮痧》中中美两国人人际关系的差异的体现_商务英语论文
  • Abstract Interpersonal relationship, a kind of social relation built in the process of production and life, is one of peoples basic needs. People with different cultural backgrounds have different cognitions about interpersonal relationship. Contradi...
  • 从面子观看中西人际关系差异_商务英语论文
  • Abstract: Face is a very interesting culture phenomenon. It contains a wealth of culture connotations. People in different culture shaped different face perceptions. Chinese face perception is dominated by collectivism and emphasizes the maintenance...
  • 《野草在歌唱》中扭曲的人际关系分析_英语文学论文
  • Abstract The Grass Is Singing is a book mainly about heroine Marys tragedy. Through the depiction of the distorted human relations between men and women, black and white, rich white and poor white, this paper reveals the main social reasons of Marys...
  • 中美人际关系深度与广度比较分析_商务英语论文
  • Abstract There are not only similarities but also differences on the depth and width of interpersonal relationship of Chinese and Americans. There are mainly two aspects in the depth dimension, which are family relationships and friend relationships,...
  • 从权力距离的视角解读中国与美国人际关系差异_商务英语论文
  • Abstract Since the emergence of the human, power has played an important role in influencing human activities. In different historical stages of human development, it is difficult to achieve the absolute equality of power. For some reasons, peoples v...