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  • 浅析典籍翻译中归化的得与失-以辜鸿铭英译《论语》为例_英语论文
  • On the Gains and Losses of Domestication in the Translation of Chinese Classics:A Case Study of The Discourses and Sayings of Confucius by Gu Hongming_英语论文 摘要 《论语》是儒家学派的经典著作之一。几千年来,儒学成为上至帝王将相下至平民百姓的的道德标准和行为指南。 明末以来,《论语》被许多名家学者翻译成多国语言,且大部分为西方汉学家和传教士所作,而中国学者对《论语》的翻译在数量和影响力...
  • 辜正坤散曲英译的主体性研究_翻译专业英语论文
  • Abstract This thesis discusses the following questions: 1) How does Gu Zhenkuns personality influence his translation of Sanqu poems? 2) How do Gu Zhenkuns translation strategies reflect translators subjectivity in his translation of Sanqu poems? 3)...