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  • 中英商务宴会的服装比较研究_英语论文
  • 中英商务宴会的服装比较研究_英语论文 A Comparative and Contrastive Study of Attire between China and Britain in Business Banquets 摘要 随着经济的全球化,中国和英国之间的贸易往来越来越频繁。由于两国的文化不同,人们对两个文化习俗缺乏了解会引起冲突。本文主要从材料,风格和颜色等方面讨论了两国之间商务宴请着装的差异,在对比的基础上总结了形成这些差异的原因,希望双方在商务宴...
  • 论《红楼梦》中服饰颜色词的翻译_英语论文
  • 论《红楼梦》中服饰颜色词的翻译_英语论文 On Translation of Color Words of Clothing in A Dream of Red Mansions 摘要 《红楼梦》是中国文学中最伟大的小说之一,同时也被广大国外读者熟知。在小说塑造的色彩世界里,对服饰的描写可谓是淋漓尽致,显示出作者卓越的文学成就。颜色词是语言中一个有趣而重要的问题,中英文化中颜色词都占据很大比例。由于中西方巨大的文化差异,对颜色词...
  • 服饰类词汇的英汉互译研究_英语论文.doc
  • 服饰类词汇的英汉互译研究 A Study of the C-E Conversion of the Vocabularies on Clothing 摘要 在经济全球化的背景下,时装产业也在快速发展。 翻译作为汉语与英语两大语言之间转化的媒介,其地位尤为突出。中国服饰翻译研究起步较晚,在最初没有得到充分重视,且鉴于英语服...
  • 从服饰看中西文化差异_商务英语论文
  • Abstract Dress culture is a culture phenomenon unique to human beings. When talking about cultural differences, we may think of too much, such as customs, traditional festivals, eating habits, clothing and so on. In terms of the clothing culture, we...
  • 从服饰解读看中美文化差异_商务英语论文
  • Abstract Clothing is one of the most contents of the important main culture and can be used as an important tool for studying popular culture and social history. The history of human costume, to some extent, is the development history of sensible hum...