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  • 幻想、破灭、顿悟、成长-解读《阿拉比》中的成长主题_英语论文
  • 幻想、破灭、顿悟、成长-解读《阿拉比》中的成长主题_英语论文 Fantasy, Disillusion, Epiphany and Maturity—On the Initiation Theme in “Araby” 摘要 詹姆斯•乔伊斯( James Joyce),爱尔兰著名小说家,意识流小说的杰出大师,现代主义文学的开拓者和代表作家。他的早期作品《都柏林人》是一部由十五个故事组成的现实主义短篇小说集。作品以作者的家乡都柏林为背景,从童年期、青年期、成...
  • 对立的游戏-论《阿拉比》中的结构解构模式_英语论文.doc
  • 对立的游戏-论《阿拉比》中的结构解构模式_英语论文 A Game of Opposition: The (De)Constructionist Mode in Araby 摘要 《阿拉比》是爱尔兰作家詹姆斯•乔伊斯著名短篇小说集《都柏林人》中的一篇小说,它以一个小男孩的视角生动的反映出19世纪末都柏林的社会生活。乔伊斯认为...
  • 《阿拉比》中瘫痪的都柏林的象征分析_英语文学论文
  • Abstract Araby, the third short story selected from Dubliners by James Joyce, demonstrates to us the disillusionment of a boy and a paralysed wilderness pervading in Dublin by telling the story of a boys seeking for his first love. This paper aims to...
  • 《阿拉比》中对比与冲突分析_英语文学论文
  • Abstract Araby, one of the most classic works in Dubliners by James Joyce, depicts the whole process from the adolescent obsessed with love till the pursuit of love lost in disillusionment. This paper mainly analyzes the use of contrast and conflict...
  • 浅析《阿拉比》中的象征义_英语文学论文
  • Abstract Araby, a short story from Dubliners, is a masterpiece of the famous Ireland novelist James Joyce. This paper begins with a brief introduction to the author and this novel, and then makes a brief analysis of the major symbols adopted in this...
  • 从梦想到现实—《阿拉比》中的象征主义_英语文学论文
  • Abstract Araby, the third short story selected from Dubliners by James Joyce, demonstrates to us the disillusionment of a boy and a paralysed wilderness pervading in Dublin by telling the story of a boys seeking for his first love. This paper aims to...