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  • 浅析莫言在瑞典学院演讲的口译策略_英语论文
  • 浅析莫言在瑞典学院演讲的口译策略_英语论文 On Interpretation of Mo Yan’s Speech at Swedish Academy 摘要 释意理论强调口译有三个过程,理解、脱离源语言外壳、重新表达,这对于口译实践和研究都有指导意义。本文以2012年莫言在瑞典学院的演讲为研究语料,以释意理论为视角,运用译例分析的研究方法,探讨莫言演讲的口译策略和技巧。鉴于英语和汉语的语言体系和语法结构存在很大...
  • 释意论指导下的记者招待会口译策略及质量探析_翻译专业英语论文
  • Abstract The past decade has witnessed the growing importance and influence of interpreting activities as the world becomes more and more integrated, among which, press conference interpreting stands out as a motivated cross-cultural communicative ac...