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摘 要

英国现实主义作家简•奥斯丁(1775年—1817年)受启蒙思想的影响,既崇尚理性,又不贬低感情,主张情与理的结合。在其代表作《傲慢与偏见》,《爱玛》中,对人物的塑造都是通过对中心人物伊丽莎白,爱玛的刻画反映出来的, 她的活泼可爱给整部作品增添了活力。本文主要从人物的性格分析及其发展来探讨作者对伊丽莎白,爱玛的人物塑造,并且通过分析人物形象以见出作者在小说中所体现的女性观和婚姻观。全文共分三个部分:第一个部分是介绍伊丽莎白和爱玛的主要特征。第二个部分是分析主要人物伊丽莎白,爱玛的性格特征,这是写她们的相似之处。第三部分是分析主要人物伊丽莎白,爱玛的性格特征的不同之处,是从主要人物伊丽莎白,爱玛的性格特征看作者的女性观和婚姻观。简•奥斯丁相信女性的智力,坚信知识能力对于女性和男性是一样需要的。她提倡因爱结合的婚姻。


  Realistic English writer Jane Austen (1775-1817) is influenced by the enlightenment, advocating ration, not disparaged feelings, advocating the combination of emotional and rational. In her masterpiece Pride and Prejudice, Emma, shaping the characters is based on a central figure in Elizabeth, characterization of Emma, her lively add vigor to the whole work. This article analyses mainly from the character's personality and development to explore Elizabeth and Emma’s characterization, and through the analysis of the character image to show the author’s concept of women and marriage. The full text is divided into three parts: the first part is the main characteristic of Elizabeth and Emma. The second part is the analysis of similarities in character of Elizabeth and Emma. The third part is the analysis of differences of Elizabeth and Emma. We can see the author's view of women and marriage from the main character Elizabeth and Emma's character. Jane Austen believes in women's intelligence, and that the knowledge is important for women as well as for men. She advocates for love combined with marriage.

Key words: Elizabeth; Emma; personality characteristic; marriage view

1 Introduction
This paper is going to compare the characters of Elizabeth in Pride and Prejudice and Emma in Emma. From my research I found that nobody had written this so far. Most researchers wrote a comparative study about other heroines, such as Jane and Elizabeth, or only research of Elizabeth or Emma individually. Thus, I want to do research about it to find the resemblance and the difference about Elizabeth and Emma in many different aspects.

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