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摘 要

D.H. 劳伦斯被誉为20世纪英国杰出的小说家,他一生为俄狄浦斯情结所困扰,他的很多作品都反映母子之间特殊的情感,恋母情结是其大多数小说探讨的主题。《木马赢家》是D.H. 劳伦斯晚年短篇小说的代表之作,在此小说中他仍然未摆脱俄狄浦斯情的影响。然而,受一战结束后,英国资本主义工业文明迅速发展以及扭曲的金钱观的影响,《木马赢家》中的俄狄浦斯情结较其前期作品有些改变,主要表现在对母亲负面形象的刻画上,与后期劳伦斯的思想一致,预示着劳伦斯的认识到达一个新的高度。本文从俄狄浦斯情结在《木马赢家》中的特征与具体体现、形成原因以及产生的后果等方面分析研究保罗的俄狄浦斯情结及因此而引发的悲剧命运。本文研究发现,保罗恋母情结归其根本是资本主义工业文明下金钱对人性的腐蚀。由于对金钱的向往,母亲失去了爱的能力,父亲忽视了自己的职责,促使年轻的保罗对母亲产生了特殊的情愫。此外,家庭教育、爱及正确的金钱观对引领一个孩子的健康成长起着至关重要的作用。

关键词:恋母;憎父;D.H. 劳伦斯;《木马赢家》


D.H. Lawrence is acclaimed as an outstanding novelist in English literature in the 20th century. He is influenced by Oedipus complex all his life time. Many of his works focus on the special attachments between mother and son. It is said that Oedipus complex has always been the theme of his novels. As the representative of his short stories in his later years, The Rocking Horse Winner still can not get rid of Oedipus complex. However, affected by the English industrial revolution and distorted attitude towards money after WWI, the Oedipus Complex in The Rocking Horse Winner is somewhat different compared with that in his early works. It is mainly presented in the negative image of mother, which is totally in keeping with D.H. Lawrence’s later ideology. Therefore, his cognition comes into a new level. This paper focuses on the main character Paul’s Oedipus complex and his tragedy by analyzing and studying the following aspects including the features and concrete embodiment of the Complex, formative factors, consequence and so on. Through research, there are some important findings. Paul’s Oedipus complex is mainly caused by industrial revolution and desire for money. Due to the greed for money, mother loses her ability to love and father ignores his obligations, which both leads to Paul's abnormal love for mother. Besides, family education, love and right attitude towards money play a significant role in the healthy growth of children.

Key words: Love for mother; hatred to father; D.H. Lawrence; The Rocking-Horse Winner

相关文章推荐: TAG: 俄狄浦斯情结 木马赢家