文档分类: 语言文学 文档上传会员:国产祖宗 上传时间:2017-12-21
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From the perspective of Lesbian Bildungsroman, and taking the novel --- Oranges Are Not the Only Fruits by Jeanette Winterson as the research target, this paper endeavors to analyze the difficulties the protagonist of this novel, Jeanette has been through, from strongly influenced by her parents, controlled by the church, to then finding out about her sexual tendency and finally decide to insist on living her own life. This essay shows that how important those figures are in her growing process. From the detailed analysis, this essay discovers the author’s will to fight against male chauvinism and protect lesbian’s rights through the description of Jeanette’s grow up process. 
Keywords   lesbian bildungsroman    religion restriction  Queer theory  family control

关键词  女同性恋的成长小说   宗教束缚   酷儿理论   家庭控制

The author, Jeanette Winterson, is an outstanding and a disputable novelist in the 20th century. Jeanette Winterson was adopted by Pentecostal parents. There were only six books in the house, including the Bible and Cruden’s Complete Concordance to the Old and New Testaments. Reading was not much approved unless it was the Bible. Her parents intended to make her become a missionary. Jeanette had left home at 16 after falling in love with another girl. While she took A levels she at university, she supported herself by evening and weekend work. In a year off to earn money, she worked as a domestic in a lunatic asylum.

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