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  • 英语委婉语的语用研究_英语论文.doc
  • 英语委婉语的语用研究_英语论文 Pragmatic study of English Euphemism 摘要 委婉语作为一种在人类社会中普遍存在的语言文化现象,在日常生活中被人们广泛运用。它作为一种有效的润滑剂,能够在人们谈及那些令人不愉快或者尴尬的事情时,以一种较为温和、礼貌的说法缓解尴尬和不愉快。使用委婉语能够帮助人们建立和谐友好的人际关系。许多中外学者已经对委婉语进行过多方面的...
  • 英语幽默的语用研究_商务英语论文
  • Abstract English jokes are humorous and implicit. However, for people whose mother language is not English, its hard to completely understand English humor. This paper presents a pragmatic analysis of English humor in order to help the reader get a b...
  • 模糊限制语的语用研究及教学意义_英语教学论文
  • 摘要 语言的清晰表达和精确应用是语言使用者所追求的理想境界,但模糊语言在整个语言使用中俯拾皆是,很少有人会说他们可以非常精确地用话语或文字来表达自己的想法。人类语言本身就...
  • 国际商务谈判中模糊语的语用研究_商务英语论文
  • 摘要 在国际商务谈判中大量的模糊词汇被广泛地使用着。模糊语主要被应用于回避问题,降低所要承担的责任,甚至还能增强语言可信度。鉴于模糊语在国际商务谈判中的重要地位和广泛使用...
  • 委婉语的语用研究_商务英语论文
  • Abstract and Key Words Abstract: Euphemism is a common linguistic as well as cultural phenomenon in daily life. It oils the human relationship in communication and helps to save face of communicators. Euphemism holds great interest for scholars both...
  • 英语商业广告的语用研究_商务英语论文
  • Abstract: With the development of science and technology as well as economy, the trend to globalization becomes more and more obvious. English commercial advertisement, as a form of business, is prevailing. And language as one of the concrete express...