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  • 中美高中教育对比研究_英语论文.doc
  • 中美高中教育对比研究_英语论文 The Comparison of Chinese and American Senior High School Teaching 摘要 现如今随着经济的发展,不同国家间的教育理念和教育方式已成为很多学者讨论的热门话题。中美两国均是世界上的教育强国,基于不同的文化起源,中美教育在很多方面存在差...
  • 从《歌舞青春》看中美高中教育的差异_英语教学论文
  • Abstract There has been a long time that people discussed and considered the Chinese senior high school education to be highly intense. Teenagers who are educated by the education system lack creativity. A rising group of people have paid close atten...