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  • 英语饮品广告中双关语翻译技巧_英语论文.docx
  • 英语饮品广告中双关语翻译技巧_英语论文 Translation Techniques of Puns in English Beverage Advertisements 摘要 双关语在英语饮品广告中普遍存在,它不仅能使广告语言简炼、诙谐、丰富多彩,而且能使广告引人注意、耐人寻味、便于记忆。本论文探讨了关于英语饮品广告中的双关...
  • 基于功能对等理论谈美剧《生活大爆炸》双关翻译_翻译专业英语论文
  • Abstract With the help of the Functional Equivalence Theory, this paper aims at summarizing suitable pun-translation methods via analyzing puns and their translations in The Big Bang Theory. Through studying the principles of Functional Equivalence T...
  • 电视商业广告中双关的运用及翻译_翻译专业英语论文
  • Abstract Television commercial is an important form of advertising. Since television advertising is broadcasted through visual media, compared with other forms of advertising, the language in television commercials has its own characteristics. And pu...
  • 双关在美式幽默中的运用_商务英语论文
  • 摘 要 英语的双关作为一种语言艺术被广泛的运用在英语作为母语的国家里,由于双关单词意思的多样性,给英语学习者带来了很多困扰。这篇论文从定义开始,让英语学习者了解美国幽默和双...
  • 双关在翻译中体现的形式意义变化_翻译专业英语论文
  • 摘要 双关语是英汉语修辞中常见的形式,在日常生活中也频繁使用。中英双关既有共同之处,也有不一致的地方。双关在翻译的过程当中会有很多变化。本文拟就在了解双关翻译历史背景定义,...
  • 影视作品里的双关手法分析_商务英语论文
  • Abstract: With the global development of modern world, there are more and more cooperation between different cultures. Lots of English films and videos are appearing in China. In order to create humorous effect and make television work more interesti...