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On the Translation of Humor in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn from Skopos Theory_英语论文


马克·吐温是美国文坛的幽默大师,被誉为19世纪美国现实主义文学的主要奠基人,言语幽默在他的作品中无处不在。马克·吐温灵活地使用美国幽默, 包括数种方言来创作《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》。这些幽默是原著的重要特点并具有重要意义, 在翻译中应得到充分体现, 从而再现原著的文学价值。本文从目的论的角度,研究张友松和张振先合译的《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》版本中幽默语言的翻译,将目的论的三大基本原则,即目的原则、连贯原则和忠实原则应用于幽默翻译的分析中,具体分析译本中的幽默翻译是否与原文的幽默相符且是否呈现相符的幽默效果,得出该版本的幽默翻译与原文的幽默能够相对应的结论,这种对应不仅仅反映在文本上,同时也反映在幽默所产生的效果上。通过对译本中马克·吐温言语幽默的研究,可以加深中文读者对《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》中幽默的理解,并体会到这些幽默的作用是深刻揭露美国当时宗教愚昧,种族歧视盛行的社会黑暗。

关键词:《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》  翻译  马克·吐温  幽默 目的论


Mark Twain is a humorous master in American literature, known as the father of American realistic literature in the 19th century, and verbal humor is ubiquitous in his works. Mark Twain flexibly used American humor including various dialects to characterize The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. The American humor. is of great significance and should be reflected in the translation to reproduce the literary value. This thesis focuses on the humorous language of the Chinese version co-translated by Zhang Yousong(张友松)and Zhang Zhenxian(张振先), applying the three basic rules of Skopos Theory to the analysis, including Skopos Rule, Coherence Rule and Fidelity Rule, aiming to figure out whether the humorous language translation is consistent with the original text and whether the humorous effects are equivalent. The conclusion is that the translation of humorous language are consistent with the original text not only literally but also effectively. Through the study of the translation of Mark Twain’s humor in the Chinese version, the Chinese readers can deeply understand the humor in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, and realize that the humor is to reveal the dark society in which religious ignorance and racial discrimination prevailed in the United States at that time.

Key words: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn  Translation  Mark Twain Humor  The Skopos Theory   


Chapter One  Introduction 1

1.1  Research Background and Significance 1

1.2  Research Questions 2

1.3  Research Method 2

1.4  Thesis Structure 2

Chapter Two  Literature Review 4

2.1  Previous Studies on the Translation of Humor 4

2.2  Previous Studies on the Translation of Mark Twain’s Humor 6

Chapter Three  Theoretical Framework 9

3.1  Development of Skopos Theory 9

3.2  Rules of Skopos Theory 9

3.2.1 Skopos Rule 10

3.2.2 Coherence Rule 10

3.2.3 Fidelity Rule 11

Chapter Four  Introduction to the Humor of The Adventures of 

Huckleberry Finn 12

4.1  Brief Introduction to the Story and the Chinese Version 12

4.2  Brief Introduction to Mark Twain’s Humor in This Story 13

Chapter Five  Analysis of the Translation of Humor from Skopos Theory 15

5.1  Translation of Humor from Skopos Rule 15

5.2  Translation of Humor from Coherence Rule 17

5.3  Translation of Humor from Fidelity Rule 19

Chapter Six  Conclusion 22



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