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A Study of the Symbols in Lord of the Flies_英语论文


《蝇王》是著名英国小说家威廉. 戈尔丁的巨著之一,它描写了一群被困在荒岛上的孩童从文明理性之人堕落成野蛮无情之人的故事。本文旨在分析《蝇王》中的三类象征:人物象征、实物象征和意境象征, 以期更好地理解主题。主要人物暗含两种意味:拉尔夫、西蒙和猪崽子是理性和道德的象征,而杰克则象征了不理性和野蛮。蝇王、海螺和火也都富含象征意蕴。此外,故事发生的背景荒岛也是一种象征。正是通过对象征手法应用的分析,本论文揭示了戈尔丁所要表达的人性本恶的思想主题。



Lord of the Flies, one of the masterpieces by the well-known British novelist William Golding, depicts a story of a group of young children who are stranded on an isolated island and gradually degrade into savagery from civilization. This thesis intends to analyze three different categories of symbols, namely characters as symbols, objects as symbols and the setting as a symbol, demonstrated in Lord of the Flies so as to better understand the theme. The main characters embody two different underlying meanings: Ralph, Simon and Piggy are the symbols of rationality and morality, while Jack symbolizes as irrationality and immorality. Also, those objects like the lord of the flies, conch and fire carry important symbolic meanings. Furthermore, the island the story is set against can be regarded as a symbol too. Through the analysis of the employment of symbolism, the thesis discloses Golding’s idea that evil is rooted in human nature.

Key words: William Golding, Lord of the Flies, human nature, symbol



2. Demonstration2

2.1. Characters as symbols.2

2.1.1.Symbols of goodness.3 Ralph—symbol of rationality and morality3 Simon—symbol of virtue and truth 4 Piggy—symbol of science and wisdom .6

2.1.2. Jack—symbol of evilness.7

2.2. Objects as symbols9

2.2.1.The title—the symbol of evilness and corruption.9

2.2.2. The conch—the symbol of power, order and democracy .11

2.2.3. The fire—the symbol of hope and disaster12

2.3. Setting—the island—as a symbol.14

3. Conclusion15


Works Cited18


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