• [教学论文]中国英语学习者的跨文化语用失误_英语教学论文

    摘要: 随着信息全球化快速发展,来自不同地区和文化背景的人交流越来越频繁。跨文化交际已成为当今世界的一个重要特性。本文在跨文化语用失误的理论概述的基础上,分析语用失误的表...

    文章由penguin上传 文章字数:5685 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [教学论文]试分析概念隐喻在综合英语词汇中的作用_英语教学论文

    Abstract: This study aims to analyze the implication of conceptual metaphor in integrated English vocabulary. In terms of ontological metaphor, orientational metaphor and structural metaphor, explanation and analyses are made. Through three angles of...

    文章由Fossette上传 文章字数:6520 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [教学论文]英语小班化教育情境下交互白板的现状调查_英语教学论文

    Abstract: With the rapid development of information technology, the new generation of teaching media--interactive electronic whiteboard has entered the classroom teaching. This study aims to investigate the current situation of its application in sma...

    文章由风过无痕上传 文章字数:6806 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [教学论文]幽默对缓解初中英语课堂焦虑的作用_英语教学论文

    Abstract: This study aims to investigate the functions of humor in reducing junior high school English classroom anxiety. The writer aims to research whether using humor is suitable to relieve junior high school students anxiety in English classroom...

    文章由HedyAntonia上传 文章字数:5319 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [教学论文]初三学生英语学习策略的调查_英语教学论文

    Abstract: This thesis aims to study the current situation of Grade 9 students use of English learning strategies under the guidance of the new English curriculum standard. A survey is conducted to investigate English learning strategies employed by 3...

    文章由人海孤鸿上传 文章字数:5839 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [教学论文]母语正迁移在中国初学者学英语中的作用_英语教学论文

    Abstract: Mother tongue is closely connected with second language acquisition. In the course of foreign language acquisition, the positive role of mother tongue in English learning is commonplace. Based the transfer theory and contrastive analysis hy...

    文章由夕阳一抹红颜上传 文章字数:4357 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [教学论文]英语专业学生的学习动机_英语教学论文

    摘要 本文主要研究英语专业学生的英语学习动机。在英语的学习过程中,动机是最有影响力的因素之一。不同的学生具有不同的英语学习动机。国内外在英语学习动机方面做过的调查研究有许...

    文章由墨尔本上传 文章字数:4335 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [教学论文]初学者二语习得动机的培养_英语教学论文

    Abstract: This paper aims to find efficient approaches to cultivate starters motivation in second language learning. Based on some previous researches on second language learning and the analysis of starters cognitive features in China, the author tr...

    文章由陌南尘上传 文章字数:4465 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [教学论文]非英语专业大学生英文摘要写作中的语言石化现象_英语教学论文

    Abstract: Fossilization was first put forward by Selinker. It refers to a phenomenon which Second Language Learners tend to cease to make improvements or even fall behind when they reach a certain level in the process of learning second language. In...

    文章由DESIRE上传 文章字数:5184 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [教学论文]大学生英语磨蚀原因探究_英语教学论文

    Abstract: Foreign language attrition refers to the loss of language skills by those who have learned and then disrupted the use of a foreign language. Foreign language attrition is a very common phenomenon because it occurs in every corner of the wor...

    文章由magipige上传 文章字数:4582 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [教学论文]外语磨蚀对大学生英语习得的启示_英语教学论文

    Abstract: As an inevitable result of language acquisition, language attrition is a process in which language ability is gradually weakened and lost. Being a part of language, as well as language acquisition, language attrition can not be ignored. Wit...

    文章由攒一口袋星星上传 文章字数:4790 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [教学论文]英语专业学生词汇磨蚀分析探究_英语教学论文

    Abstract: Language attrition refers to the loss of language skills by those who have learned and then disrupted the use of a foreign language and it is a very common phenomenon among language learners. Based on the language attrition theories, the pa...

    文章由Charming上传 文章字数:5053 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [教学论文]高中英语学习中的联想词汇记忆策略_英语教学论文

    Abstract: This thesis presents some commonly used methods in senior high school English vocabulary learning, namely English words sound, form, and meaning association memory strategies. It aims to highlight the practical application of word associati...

    文章由挽歌渐起上传 文章字数:4833 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [教学论文]论朗读作为词汇记忆方法的实证研究_英语教学论文

    Abstract: Reading skill refers to reading aloud (oral reading) and silent reading. Reading aloud is a traditional language learning method, and is widely used by language learners for a long time. Reading aloud can also help to cultivate readers sens...

    文章由攒一口袋星星上传 文章字数:5697 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27
  • [教学论文]英语听力的干扰因素及对策_英语教学论文

    Abstract: Based on the present situation of the college students English studying, the thesis firstly analyses the interfering factors that affect the learning of English listening, including the interference of linguistic schema, content schema and...

    文章由休、莫言上传 文章字数:3979 所需金币: 1000更新时间:11-27