• [商务英语]科技英语中歧义现象的语法分析_商务英语论文

    Abstract In this paper, we mainly make some syntactical analysis of the ambiguity in technical English. 50 sheets of scientific paper in English from June 2010 to September 2010 on the Chinese Academy of Sciences Science and technology periodical acq...

    文章由月色随风上传 文章字数:4527 所需金币: 1000更新时间:12-18
  • [商务英语]跨文化交际中的英汉委婉语对比研究_商务英语论文

    Abstract This paper explores and studies the differences of Chinese and English euphemisms by analysis of the origin and definition of the euphemism. And from the cross-cultural perspective it discusses the relationship between euphemism and culture,...

    文章由AugusBird上传 文章字数:3813 所需金币: 1000更新时间:12-18
  • [商务英语]练习频次对写作词汇复杂性的影响_商务英语论文

    Abstract Frequency effects have been proposed by language researchers recently. This study aims to investigate the effects of task frequency on lexical richness of L2 writing. 20 subjects involved in the study were randomly assigned into two equal-si...

    文章由Narrator上传 文章字数:4580 所需金币: 1000更新时间:12-18
  • [商务英语]美国广告语中的会话含义研究_商务英语论文

    Abstract Based on conversational implicature coined and improved by Grice H.P and Levinson C. Stephen, this paper takes American advertisements as materials to analyze conversational implicature occurring in American advertisements. This paper will,...

    文章由Super萌上传 文章字数:7748 所需金币: 1000更新时间:12-18
  • [商务英语]浅谈跨文化商务交际中的文化偏爱与禁忌_商务英语论文

    Abstract Based on the Edward Tylors theory of culture, this thesis exquisites the typical features of western and Chinese culture, then proves the culture conflicts are objective and correct by using the theory of culture negative transfer. While int...

    文章由哈里森上传 文章字数:5537 所需金币: 1000更新时间:12-18
  • [商务英语]浅析礼貌原则在跨文化交际中的体现_商务英语论文

    Abstract Politeness is a universal principle, for it can be observed in all cultures and societies. This paper first introduces the previous study of the politeness principle, and then lists several typical examples in our daily life to show the embo...

    文章由蓝天白云上传 文章字数:4340 所需金币: 1000更新时间:12-18
  • [商务英语]《老友记》言语幽默的语用解读_商务英语论文

    Abstract This paper focuses on analyzing the effect of verbal humor in the famous American sitcom Friends from the perspective of Conversational Implicature of Pragmatics. Although the effects of humor in this sitcom are presented in various forms, w...

    文章由微雨花间上传 文章字数:4815 所需金币: 1000更新时间:12-16
  • [商务英语]《生活大爆炸》中的幽默言语解读——系统功能语言学语境视角_商务英语论文

    Abstract In this paper, we take conversations from The Big Bang Theory as the corpus, in which we study the lingual humor. The lingual humor will be investigated with different contextual theories in systemic functional linguistics in order to have a...

    文章由七十二街上传 文章字数:3845 所需金币: 1000更新时间:12-16
  • [商务英语]背景知识对英语专业学生阅读理解的影响_商务英语论文

    Abstract What impact does background knowledge have on reading comprehension? Based on schema theory and relevance theory, this thesis is intended to investigate the effects of background knowledge on reading comprehension of Chinese English majors....

    文章由七十二街上传 文章字数:5328 所需金币: 1000更新时间:12-16
  • [商务英语]从广告语中看中西文化观_商务英语论文

    Abstract: Advertising can reflect not only the culture it represents, but also national way of thinking. Different cultures have different way of conducting their advertising. The main target of studying Chinese and western advertising culture is not...

    文章由prey上传 文章字数:5262 所需金币: 1000更新时间:12-16
  • [商务英语]从礼仪准则看东西文化的差异_商务英语论文

    Abstract With the rapid development of science and technology, people from different countries and cultural backgrounds are making more and more communications. Thus more and more attention has been paid to what politeness is and how to be polite in...

    文章由南殷上传 文章字数:3911 所需金币: 1000更新时间:12-16
  • [商务英语]从批评话语视角看美国媒体对中国形象的塑造_商务英语论文

    Abstract In the past few years, with the substantial improvement of Chinas international status, China gains an increasing amount of attention from worldwide media. During this process, various sorts of negative reports surfaced. Western media, repre...

    文章由青路红尘上传 文章字数:5181 所需金币: 1000更新时间:12-16
  • [商务英语]从幽默语言的评价功能论征婚类节目中主持人姿态的建构_商务英语论文

    Abstract Taking the dating show If You Are the One as data, this paper analyzes how the host makes good use of humorous language to appraise the participants, ultimately constructing his own stance on the stage. Methodologically, this paper employs t...

    文章由KerrBabbitt上传 文章字数:7051 所需金币: 1000更新时间:12-16
  • [商务英语]从中美广告用语看中西方文化差异_商务英语论文

    Abstract A language is just relatively independent of the corresponding culture. So, understanding the related cultural background is indispensable to foreign language learning process. It is of importance to combine closely the foreign language lear...

    文章由饮马桃花时上传 文章字数:4276 所需金币: 1000更新时间:12-16
  • [商务英语]当代美国灾难片中的生物技术滥用主题探讨_商务英语论文

    Abstract In the current time, there are more and more films which are about the disaster in America. Meanwhile, the abuse of biotechnology has become the topic for these disaster films in recent years. This thesis aims to explore the abuse of biotech...

    文章由BennettLloyd上传 文章字数:5190 所需金币: 1000更新时间:12-16