• [商务英语]美国总统奥巴马演讲中模糊修饰语的语用分析_商务英语论文

    Abstract This paper selects 10 typical examples of political speeches made by President Obama as the corpora. Statistic analyses are emphasized on two of them, and the rest are for reference. The thesis picks out hedges, calculates the frequency and...

    文章由迷人hero上传 文章字数:5862 所需金币: 1000更新时间:12-14
  • [商务英语]美国总统夫人演讲中人称指示语的选择及其移情效果_商务英语论文

    Abstract This paper is to study the speech of American First Lay in the 2012 US presidential campaign election. Through analyzing the number and the characteristics of American First Lays use of different person deixis in the speech, this paper discu...

    文章由挽歌渐起上传 文章字数:5209 所需金币: 1000更新时间:12-14
  • [商务英语]美剧《欲望都市》中女性语言的语用分析_商务英语论文

    Abstract Sex and the City, aired by HBO Films, is a comic film about the lives of four heroines, and womens talk is one of the most attractive features of this film. Taking Lakoffs analysis of womens language and Leechs politeness principle as the an...

    文章由Osborn上传 文章字数:6762 所需金币: 1000更新时间:12-14
  • [商务英语]模糊语在商务谈判中的语用功能分析研究_商务英语论文

    Abstract: Business negotiation is a complex process. In order to avoid misunderstanding and inconvenience, language in business negotiations is believed to be precise. But actually, as an important part of the English language, vagueness is widely em...

    文章由撑一把青伞上传 文章字数:6131 所需金币: 1000更新时间:12-14
  • [商务英语]浅析汉语“微博”语言中性别歧视现象_商务英语论文

    Abstract Gender discrimination is a prevalent phenomenon in society. It is not only reflected in all the aspects of social life but also in language and language use. It is an important issue in the study of sociolinguistics. With the great popularit...

    文章由classic上传 文章字数:4487 所需金币: 1000更新时间:12-14
  • [商务英语]新闻标题预设性的批评话语分析_商务英语论文

    Abstract This paper is to make critical discourse analysis of presupposition in news headlines. Headlines selected are mainly about issues of Diaoyu Island, 18th CPC National Congress and conflicts in the Middle East. Those headlines come from The Wa...

    文章由Overlook上传 文章字数:5325 所需金币: 1000更新时间:12-14
  • [商务英语]英语化妆品广告中的语用策略研究_商务英语论文

    Abstract With the rapid development of the society, advertisements, as an essential type of mass media, have enormously changed with time going by. Relying on the beautiful language of cosmetic advertisements, it occupies an important position in the...

    文章由MoCo上传 文章字数:5669 所需金币: 1000更新时间:12-14
  • [商务英语]中文脱口秀节目中的不礼貌言语现象_商务英语论文

    Abstract This paper studies verbal impoliteness in Chinese talk shows. Based on Culpepers impoliteness strategy frame and strategic frame of response to impoliteness, the paper analyzes the verbal impoliteness in Tian Tian Xiang Shang, 80s Talk Show...

    文章由Osborn上传 文章字数:6060 所需金币: 1000更新时间:12-14
  • [商务英语]中英跨文化交际中恭维语语用差异与语用失误_商务英语论文

    Abstract This paper makes a comparison between the use of Chinese compliment and English compliment, including the aspect of compliment object, compliment form,compliment content and compliment response. Rich cases and materials are chosen in terms o...

    文章由笺短情长上传 文章字数:5331 所需金币: 1000更新时间:12-14
  • [商务英语]中英文动物俗语的感情差异研究--以“狗”为例_商务英语论文

    Abstract This paper compares the emotional differences reflected by animal-related idioms in Chinese and English with dog as the common image of, and tries to explore the linguistic theory for evidences. Based on the detailed review of previous studi...

    文章由鱼传尺愫上传 文章字数:5527 所需金币: 1000更新时间:12-14
  • [商务英语]奥巴马政治演讲的批判性话语分析_商务英语论文

    Abstract: Critical Discourse Analysis is a common analysis framework to analyze political discourse which includes public speaking. Its main purpose is to reveal the use of language, the relationship between ideology and power. It makes it clear that...

    文章由okBabe上传 文章字数:5019 所需金币: 1000更新时间:12-12
  • [商务英语]从奥巴马连任的新闻报道看中西方新闻报道中的倾向性_商务英语论文

    Abstract With the development of our society, the media have occupied a very important part in our social life. Usually the mainstream media are the models for peoples minds and behaviors, and they are also important instruments which provide people...

    文章由别给我糖吃上传 文章字数:5361 所需金币: 1000更新时间:12-12
  • [商务英语]从语言学角度解析NBA球员绰号_商务英语论文

    Abstract This paper takes 102 NBA payers' nicknames as corpus, analyzing the structure mode and using features of the nickname. From the perspective of the language forms of nicknames, they typically constituted by metaphor and metonymy. Metaphorical...

    文章由妾本红妆上传 文章字数:4167 所需金币: 1000更新时间:12-12
  • [商务英语]汉语新闻标题中指称语的选择及其语用效果_商务英语论文

    Abstract This paper will focus on referring expressions in news headlines as the research object. Taking referring expressions collected from news headlines from two newspapers published on the same day as the data, this paper discusses the personal...

    文章由Gestapo上传 文章字数:5711 所需金币: 1000更新时间:12-12
  • [商务英语]基于自建语料库对网球英语新闻标题的分析_商务英语论文

    Abstract This paper analyzes the vocabulary and syntactic features and rhetoric of online English tennis news headlines on the basis of self-built corpus with methods of corpus linguistics. We find that change of words in the headlines is very high a...

    文章由羽逸之光上传 文章字数:4125 所需金币: 1000更新时间:12-12