文档分类: 商务英语 文档上传会员:Luminous 上传时间:2017-11-27
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This study aims to evaluate the influence of the EU language policy by analyzing the advantages and the disadvantages of carrying out the diversified language policy. This paper introduces the general situation of the EU, briefly summarizes the evolution process of EU's language policy, and introduces the main content of diverse language policy. This paper uses some special angle of view to evaluate this issue. In the analysis of the benefits of the diverse language policy, there are the economic, political and cultural perspectives in the research. This paper also uses the legal perspective in the study of the defects of language diversification policy. The research is mainly conducted to analyze the problem which brought by the language policy from the perspective of human rights. This paper introduces the different opinions on the language diversity from the various experts, and draws a conclusion from the personal point of view: the diversity of the EU language policy has both advantages and disadvantages.

Key words: EU; language policy; evaluation; diversity; advantages and disadvantages



关键词:欧洲联盟; 语言政策;评价;多样性;利弊

1. Introduction
The study has three main aims. First, the UNESCO has promoted the language diversity recently and the language diversity has become hot topic recently. Many activities and policies were set up based on this issue. The language diversity can protect the culture diversity in some way. The UNESCO is an important organization in the world, and its policy has a profound effect on the world language policy. Second, the European Union (EU) language policy diversity is particularly characterized and distinctive when it is compared with the others. The EU always takes the lead in all efforts in language policy. The EU has set a good example for others to draw up their own language policy. It is worth spending the time to studying this issue. Third, we do not pay enough attention and time to study the language diversity of the EU. Few specialists conduct their researches on the EU language policy; they often pay their attention studying the language policy of a single country instead of a special organization like EU. In fact, many Chinese specialists study the language policy of the foreign countries, like American and England. There is a gap for Chinese in the study of the language policy; it is necessary and significant for specialists in our country to study this issue.

相关文章推荐: TAG: 欧盟 语言多样化