文档分类: 语言文学 文档上传会员:森花 上传时间:2017-11-17
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Abstract: Tess of the d’Urbervilles is a masterpiece of the great British Victorian novelist Thomas Hardy (1840-1928); it describes a poor country girl Tess’ tragic life. Hardy deliberately applies substantial images in the nature to add permanent artistic charm of this novel. This thesis, thus, attempts to explore the significance of the use of images in Tess of the d’Urbervilles by analyzing animal images, plant images, color images and other images from the perspective of Frye’s Archetypal Criticism to interpret how Hardy manifests Tess’s tragic destiny more distinctly and vividly. This thesis comprises an introduction, four chapters and a conclusion. The introduction gives a brief introduction of Hardy and his achievements, as well as a literary review of Tess of d’Urbervilles and expounds the critical perspective of Archetypal Criticism. The body part chooses animal, plant and color images to deep analyze. This thesis uses horse, cattle, birds and rabbits as representatives of animal images, which indicate the turnover of Tess’s life trace and gradually enter the lifeless abyss. The plant images including rose, strawberry and white flowers. Those plant images seem to be symbols of beauty and love on the surface, while actually impose tragedy upon Tess. The red, white and black are chosen as color images which symbolize respectively misfortune, chastity and death, all those colors appear repeatedly and each has its symbolic meaning. Though above analysis, the author drew the following conclusions: Firstly, all sorts of recurring images in the text have its particular connotations. These images are heralds of twists and turns of Tess’s path of life and imply her tragic fate, creating a profound effect on symbol and implied meaning to intensify the tragic atmosphere of its tragedy and the tragic fate of character. Secondly, the natural imagery portrays the pure personality and intricate inner world of the heroine. Thirdly, it not only highlighting the theme of the novel, but reflects the writer’s pessimism by using the theory of archetypal criticism to analyze the potential meaning of these images. Besides, the work will be impressed by its tragic effect and artistic appeal.
Key Words: animal images, plant images, color images, Archetypal Criticism

摘  要:《德伯家的苔丝》,英国维多利亚时代小说家托马斯•哈代(1840-1928)的代表作,描述了一个贫苦的乡村女孩,苔丝,悲惨的一生。在这部小说中,哈代运用了大量的自然意象,为小说增添了永久的艺术魅力。本文试从哈代在《德伯家的苔丝》中对意象的运用,以弗莱的原型批判理论为视角,通过对动物、植物、颜色等意象的深入分析,从一个新的角度更直观、更生动地来体悟小说中苔丝人物的悲剧命运。本篇论文包括引言、主体和结语三大部分。引言简单介绍了哈代的生平、主要成就,国内外对《德伯家的苔丝》的研究现状和本文理论视角。主体部分对文本中出现的主要的动物、植物、颜色等意象进行剖析:对动物意象分析以马、牛、鸟、兔子为代表,预示着苔丝命运的转变,并逐步步入死亡的深渊;植物意象选取玫瑰、草莓、白花等,这些植物表面上是美丽、爱情的象征,而实际上却是强加在苔丝命运的悲剧性;颜色意象以象征着淫欲、厄运的红色,纯洁的白色和死亡的黑色为代表,这些颜色词在文本中反复出现,各有其寓意和象征意义。通过以上分析,本论文试得出以下结论:一,本文中反复出现的各种意象都具有其独特涵义,并预示着苔丝命运的曲折发展,暗示她的命运逐步走向悲剧的深渊,渲染其悲剧性的命运,营造了极强的寓意性和象征性的效果。二,这些意象刻画出小说女主人苔丝纯洁自然的秉性和悲伤复杂的内心世界。三,通过原型批判理论来分析这些意象的潜在意义,不仅凸显小说女主人翁悲剧命运和反映出该作者悲观主义的命运观,加深了作品所表达的悲剧效果和艺术感染力。

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