文档分类: 语言文学 文档上传会员:URSOULMATE 上传时间:2017-11-27
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摘 要


Amy Tan is a well-known Chinese American writer in America, whose first work The Joy Luck Club won great success after being published, earning fundamental position for her in Chinese American literature in the United States. The novel is mainly about the experiences of four pairs of mothers and daughters, which profoundly reflects the reality of their struggles to survive in American society. The paper will analyze the images of the second-generation daughters from the perspective of postcolonial feminism in order to help people better appreciate Amy Tan's work. The paper starts with the concept of postcolonial feminism, briefly introducing its main points. Then, it displays the marginalized images of the daughters between Chinese culture and American culture, meanwhile finds out the causes of marginalized images with the context of the novel. Later, it explores the awakening of the marginalized daughters. The research finds that suffering a lot from the suppression of race, gender and culture, the daughters try to abandon Chinese roots and want to integrate into American mainstream society but they are not accepted. In the end, daughters transform successfully from the marginalized "other" into "self" through identifying with their mothers and Chinese roots, finding their own voices and establishing identity as Chinese Americans. By analyzing the images of Chinese American daughters, the paper aims at raising people's attention about Chinese American women and letting readers have a further understanding about Amy Tan's work, and it is of much importance to learn Chinese American literature.

Key words: Postcolonial feminism; daughter; race; gender; identity

相关文章推荐: TAG: 喜福会 后殖民女性主义