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Identity Paradox of Philip Roth—Illustrated by the example of Exit Ghost







Philip Roth is one of the most prominent Jewish American novelists and one of the hottest candidates in competing Nobel Literature Award. He has never stopped writing because of his age. Compared with his other writings, Exit Ghost has not been given adequate critical attention both at home or abroad. Based on textual analysis and close reading, this study tries to explore the real Roth who hides behind the character he creates. 

This thesis is divided into three chapters. Chapter One expounds and verifies the double identities Roth and Zuckerman born with and explores Roth’s attitude towards this double identities between the lines. Like his protagonist Nathan Zuckerman, Roth suffers from the conflict between the conventional Jewish culture and the modern American thought. The second paradox is about Roth’s active thinking about how to balance himself well between Jewish identity and his profession. As a professional writer, he could not and does not praise Jews because of ethnic emotion. But he still cannot write without any Jewish elements. The only solution for him is to describe Jews truthfully. That is why he was not welcomed by some Jews and was regarded as an Anti-Semitic person by them. This chapter reveals the conflict between the writer’s identity and the Jewish ethnicity. The third paradox is about Roth’s living position; this is also a puzzle many writers have to face. It is hard for writers to find the bound between fact and fiction. Roth admits that fiction includes more or less element of autobiography, but it doesn’t mean fiction is autobiography. So he created Nathan to defend himself.

The final part is the conclusion of the dissertation. The novel reveals the split personality and self-crisis of the writer-protagonist deeply mired in various kinds of intense conflicts. This study highlights the tensions between self and society, self and profession, fact and fiction. Nathan Zuckerman is Roth’s alter ego rather than Roth himself. The dissertation also argues Philip Roth has been trying to defend himself against the charges through the combination of himself with his character.

Key words: Philip Roth; Exit Ghost; Identity Paradox; Jewish Identity 


Acknowledgements iv 

Abstract iv

摘要 iv

Introduction 1

Chapter One Confusion over Double Identities 4

1.1 American Writer Born and Bred Locally 4

1.2 Unchangeable Jewish Identity 7

Chapter Two Paradox between the Professional Ethics and Jewish Descent 9

2.1 Thought about the Jewish Identity 9

2.2 Professional Ethics: Describing Jew Truthfully 11

Chapter Three Paradox on Living Spaces 14

3.1 Zuckerman: “Philip Roth” in the Virtual World 14

3.2 “He” and “She”: Fictitious Self in Memory 15

Conclusion 18

Works Cited 20

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