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关键词:译者主体性;     汉英翻译;     杨宪益;     戴乃迭;     翻译方法


Abstract I

摘要 II

Chapter One Introduction 1

1.1 Background of the Study 1

1.2 Significance of the Study 1

1.3 Research Questions 2

1.4 Structure of the Thesis 2

Chapter Two Literature Review 4

2.1Researches on Translators’ Subjectivity 4

2.1 Researches on Translations of Lu Xu’s Works 5

2.3 Researches on Yang Xianyi and Gladys Yang 6

Chapter Three Theoretical Framework 8

3.1 Definition of Translators’ Subjectivity 8

3.2 Manifestation of Translator’ Subjectivity 8

3.3 Applications to Case Analysis 9

Chapter Four Analysis and Findings 10

4.1Translation of Culture-Loaded Expressions 10

4.2 Translation of Figures of Speech 17

Chapter Five Conclusions 20

5.1 Major Findings 20

5.2 Limitations 21

5.3 Future Research Recommendations 21

Bibliography 22


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