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A Study On Language Traps In Job Interviews And Corresponding Pragmatic Strategies


现如今,面试在求职应聘环节中的重要性日益彰显,对面试者而言,面试既可能是其成功路上的“敲门砖”,亦可能是其绝佳机遇的“拦路虎”。面试不易的一个重要原因便是面试官会故意设下“语言陷阱”,如若面试者不了解其“言外之意”,便会掉入陷阱中,从而影响面试效果。对此,本文从语用学角度切入,针对面试这一话语类型,从面试的共性出发,结合格莱斯(P. H. Grice)的会话含义理论(Conversational Implicature),以格莱斯(P. H. Grice)的会话合作原则(The Cooperative Priciples)为基础,通过《职来职往》、《非你莫属》等电视求职节目以及对在求职面试时遇到过语言陷阱的人进行采访采集素材,采取语料分析的方法来研究面试中存在的“语言陷阱”并提出相应的语用策略。根据表现形式的不同,本文发现面试中存在四类“语言陷阱”:诱导式语言陷阱、测试式语言陷阱、激将式语言陷阱以及挑战式语言陷阱,且语言陷阱存在着一定的触发机制。在此基础上,本文根据合作原则提出了相应的语用策略以帮助求职者较好地规避语言陷阱,从而提升面试效果。

关键词: 面试;语言陷阱;会话含义;合作原则


Nowadays, interview has been of more and more significance in job recruitment. For interviewees, interview can be either the key or the obstacle of their success of job opportunity. However, language traps, which are deliberately set by interviewers in job interviews, tend to bring interviewees hindrances. If interviewees are lack of consciousness, language traps may probably result in their loses of job opportunities. Given this issue, according to the common features of job interviews, this paper focuses on the pragmatic strategies aimed at avoiding language traps in job interviews on the basis of conversational implicature and cooperative principles both put forth by P. H. Grice with the data analysis of the data that comes from not only Job In Job Out and Only You, two famous Chinese television programs aimed to help people seek jobs but also the shared experience by people who have ever been confronted with language traps in job interviews. In accordance with different manifestations, it finds that there are four types of language traps, including inducing language trap, testing language trap, infuriating language trap and challenging language trap, and they contain some triggers. Then it puts forward some effective pragmatic strategies based on the cooperative principles in order to help interviewees avoid language traps at some aspects and improve their result of job interview.

Key Words: interview; language trap; conversational implicature; the cooperative principles



Abstract (Chinese) ii

Abstract (English) iii

Introduction 1

Chapter One Literature Review 2

Chapter Two Theoretical Framework 4

2.1 Theory of Conversational Implicature 4

2.2 Cooperative Principles 4

2.2.1 Four Categories of Maxim of Cooperative Principles 5

2.2.2 Violations of Cooperative Principles 5

Chapter Three Research Methods 6

3.1 Data Collection 6

3.2 Data Processing 6

Chapter Four Language Trap in Job Interview 8

4.1 Job Interview 8

4.2 Types of Language Trap 9

4.2.1 Inducing Language Trap 9

4.2.2 Testing Language Trap 11

4.2.3 Infuriating Language Trap 12

4.2.4 Challenging Language Trap 12

Chapter Five Pragmatic Strategies Corresponding to Language Traps 13

5.1 Identifying Triggers of Language Traps 13

5.1.1 Counterfactual Conditionals 13

5.1.2 Comparison and Contrast 13

5.1.3 Criticism about Weak Points with Unfriendly Tones 14

5.2 Avoiding Language Traps Based on Cooperative Principles 14

5.2.1 Observing Cooperative Principles 14

5.2.2 Violating Cooperative Principles 17

Conclusion 19

Bibliopraphy 20

下一篇:诗歌与散文英译的差异性研究-以《黄鹤楼》 和《故都的秋》为例_英语论文
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