文档分类: 翻译专业 文档上传会员:Zing 上传时间:2017-11-27
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The theory of Translator Behavior focuses on translation and related behavioral researches in the field of sociology. The theoretical study on the process of social development has changed the identity of translator and translator behavior. As a result, it attracts more attention from both translators and target readers; besides, more importance is attached to the social effects of translation and its communicative functions.
This thesis will take Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland translated by Mr. Yuen-ren Chao, as the main subject, to analyze Yuen-ren Chao’s translator behavior. It includes specifically the background, motivation, process, features, and social impact of the translation. With a detailed discussion, the paper points out that the properness of translator behavior, to a large extent, determines the acceptability and social influence of the translated versions.

Key words: Translator Behavior; Yuen-ren Chao; Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland




As a long-range activity for human-beings, translation has made great contribution to human civilization and cultural exchange. The translation activities emerged as early as hundreds and thousands of years ago when people of different ethnics began to exchange cultures and materials with each other. It flourished in the past 2 or 3 hundred years, and has become a science subject for researchers to study. The academic study of translation covers many fields, such as cultural aspect, language aspect, skopostheorie, functional approach, post-colonial approach, carnivalism and translator behavior, etc., among which translator behavior is becoming a hot topic.
This paper intends to analyze the translator behavior in literature translation with Yuen-ren Chao’s Chinese version of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland as an example. The original work enjoys high reputation in the world. It is featured by word plays that it is extremely difficult for translators to transfer the language. Thus, it is considered as one of the most difficult and challenging books for translators. Seemingly, there are only two options left -- to literally interpret the words but lose the fun in the source language, or to generate new equivalent words in the target language but end up with a different version of the novel. Nonetheless, Chao’s translation is one of the most successful version, achieving both culture and language effect.

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