文档分类: 翻译专业 文档上传会员:prey 上传时间:2017-11-27
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《狂人日记》是中国乃至世界文学中的一朵奇葩, 其创作和影响已打上了深刻的历史文化烙印,相关的翻译活动也渗透着文化等因素。本文以归化与异化理论为基础,从语言文化等多角度来研究《狂人日记》的两个英译本(译者分别为中英合璧的杨宪益戴乃迭夫妇和美国学者威廉.莱尔),探讨中西国家间的差异。该理论在翻译的文化上贡献卓著,对翻译研究具有启发性,并鼓励翻译家致力于翻译工作。本文选取的两个译本在产生时间和文化背景上存在较大差异,译本本身也呈现各自的特色。大致来讲,杨译本属于标准的英式英语,内容多直译;莱尔译本采用典型的美式英语,语言平实、口语化。该理论分析了译者的译本,以及文化和语言元素,并深入探讨了翻译活动的因素。任何因素都具体反映在文本的不同。本文从语言元素、文化因素、颜色词、对个别单词词组或习语的斜体化、习俗和选词、对特殊句子的翻译等几个方面举例说明这两个译本的差异。但译本中出现了几处特殊情况,说明译者本身的作用不容忽视。本文目的在于验证归化与异化理论对研究中国文学作品英译的适用性,为类似研究提供新的视角,促进中国翻译文学的发展。

[关键词] 翻译,《狂人日记》,归化,异化,杨宪益,威廉.莱尔.


The novel Kuangren Riji (《狂人日记》) created by Lu Xun is one of the classics in China and world literature. Its composition and influence have been branded by the history and culture. Likewise, its translation involves cultural elements, too. Based on the domestication and foreignization theory, this paper tries to study its two English versions translated by the couple of Yang Xianyi & Gladys Yang and the American scholar William A Lyell respectively. Analyzing from the aspects of language elements and culture, it aims to find the differences between China and other countries. This theory makes great contribution to the cultural of translation and is encouraging researchers to make effects on translation. Due to the wide differences in different times when the two versions were finished and their cultural backgrounds, they have their special characteristics. Generally speaking, the Yangs' version is of standard British English with most of the contents literally translated while Lyell's version is of typical American English in simple spoken language. Then this thesis analyzes translators' translation as well as the culture and language elements and further discusses these factors on translation activities. In any translation factors are definitely reflected in text differences. In this paper, examples are listed and discussed in terms of language elements, culture, color words, italicization of individual words, phrases or proverbs and idioms, customs and diction as well as translation of special sentences. But there are several exceptions which show that the role of translators cannot be neglected. The applicability of domestication and foreignization theory is tested here. What’s more, this paper aims to promote Chinese translated literature.

Key words:Translation; Kuangren Riji; domestication; foreignization; YANG Xianyi; William A. Lyell

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