文档分类: 翻译专业 文档上传会员:南方的南 上传时间:2017-11-27
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As an integral part of advertising, trademark has great influences on commodity sale and the reputation of an enterprise. As the global economic integration further develops as well as China enters into the WTO, the study on trademark translation is becoming increasingly important in the face of global competition. The study on trademark translation is closely related to the study on culture, for trademark is a subject full of cultural content. By comparing successful trademark translations with unsuccessful ones from both China and western countries, this paper analyzes the influence of cultural difference between the east and the west on the methods and strategies of trademark translation from the perspective of psychology, values and social customs and conventions. In this paper, several conclusions are reached. Firstly, trademark heavily embodies the cultural differences between different cultures. Secondly, failures and existing problems in trademark translation are mainly caused by neglect of the culture in the target market. Thirdly, cultural adaptation should be applied in achieving successful trademark translations.Finally, the study on trademark translation enjoys a promising future.

KEYWORDS:trademark translation; cultural difference; cultural adaptation

摘 要



1 Introduction
1.1 Significance of Trademark
    As a product of the development of the world market economy, trademark has been well regarded as a key element in the success of the advertising of an enterprise. Trademark is closely related to the sales and reputation of businesses and it has long been proved by history that a successful trademark would always facilitate the success of a business. As for trademark, it may have the following functions. Firstly, "the trademark performs the role of identifying the goods of a particular manufacturer and gives an indication of its origin, or establishes a connection in the course of trade. Secondly, trademark assures quality of the product and acts as a symbol representing the goodwill of the business."

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